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Health Grants for Organisations

Cloudesley’s current Health Grants to Organisations Programme runs from 2025 to 2029. It aims to reduce health inequalities in Islington by improving health outcomes for people who are living in poverty.


Large Grants Fund

The Large Grants Fund provides multi-year grants to voluntary sector organisations with a track record of delivering positive health outcomes for local residents. Grant funding can be used for core running costs or towards specific project costs. 20 local organisations are currently receiving multi-year grants through the Large Grants Fund.

Applications by invitation only.

Large Grants


Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Flexible Fund

The Flexible Fund is designed to respond to emerging needs. This small fund can be used in a variety of ways, for example, to help organisations to test a different approach in tackling health inequalities, respond to a crisis or a gap in local service provision, or to support capacity building within funded organisations.

Please contact our Grants Managers to discuss a proposal.


Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants

Small Grants Fund

The Small Grants Fund provides grants for smaller organisations supporting Islington residents with health issues who are on low or no income. For more details, see the Small Grants Fund page.

The Fund is currently closed to applications.

Small Grants Fund


Scarabeus Aerial Theatre
Photographer: Henri T

Islington Giving

Cloudesley’s funding for Islington Giving is used to support work with people with health issues and/or who are disabled.

Islington Giving is a coalition of local people, organisations and businesses working together to support communities and projects to bring about positive change in Islington.

Islington Giving