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Church grants awarded


Work/Activity Funded


Christ Church Highbury Repair of water-damaged interior plaster and stone finishes and repairs to emergency lighting system £23,745 
Emmanuel Holloway  Repairs to roof and redecoration of internal walls  £11,100 
Emmanuel Holloway  Access works including accessible toilet improvements & hearing loop £9,744 
Our Most Holy Redeemer  Secondary glazing of windows and installation of a suspended ceiling with insulation and associated decoration £12,300 
Our Most Holy Redeemer  Secondary glazing and heating £10,000 
St Andrew’s Thornhill Square Urgent repair grant towards electrical works £7,200
St Andrew’s Thornhill Square Stonework repairs to west elevation, structural monitoring to North Transept & periodic Spire inspections £65,000
St Andrew’s Whitehall Park Urgent repair grant towards for plant removal, repairs to the roof and plasterwork, and the wall redecoration. £5,415
St Clement’s Church, King Square Feasibility and design work for the heat pump project  Up to £42,000 
St George’s Tufnell Park Replacement sound system £10,000
St James Clerkenwell Temporary external ramp £10,000
St John the Evangelist  Insulation of the church hall roof  £ 10,000
St John the Evangelist  Removing old oil tank to improve drainage and address health and safety concerns. Addressing structural issues with external crypt steps and retaining wall  £65,000 
St John the Evangelist  Access Grant: Audio Visual system upgrade £10,000 
St Jude and St Paul’s Church Toilet and roof repairs £12,471 
St Luke’s West Holloway  Installation of fire alarm and other fire safety works £31,000 
St Mark’s Tollington Park Urgent repair grant to address roof leaks in the church and church hall and to repair the skylight £6,800 
St Mary’s Hornsey Rise  Tower repairs  £50,000 
St Saviour’s Hanley Road  Replacing the carpet in the church  Up to £25,000 
St Saviour’s Hanley Road  Air to air heat pump in the organ room £10,000 
St Silas Pentonville  Urgent repairs to the south clerestory  £35,000 
St Stephen’s Canonbury  Church roof insulation and crack investigation works  £40,833 
St Stephen’s Canonbury  Church roof insulation £10,000