Our current annual grants budget is £2.6 million, allowing us to have a significant positive impact on Islington people’s lives.
Our Health Grants programme addresses physical and mental health issues and financial hardship. The programme supports Islington residents who have health problems or who are disabled, and in financial need. It achieves this by giving grants to individuals and to the organisations that support them.
Our Church Grants programme supports Church of England churches in Islington. The grants help to repair the buildings and maintain services in them.
We work closely with other local funders and are one of the founding partners of Islington Giving.
The charity dates back to 1517 and the Will of Richard Cloudesley, an Islington resident. In December 2016, Cloudesley’s area of benefit was extended to cover the whole Borough of Islington.
Cloudesley’s funding for grants and all other costs comes from investments. The charity owns around 100 residential properties on the Cloudesley Estate in Barnsbury, Islington, as well as marketable securities.